The site intercept survey is an online survey that identifies the profile of all the visitors coming to your website, their clicks, and what they generally do when they visit the web page.
Working: This survey might look like a pop up, but it is actually not. It is an intercept piece that does not get blocked by blockers. Upon visiting the website, users are asked a series of questions about their profile, usage and intentions of visiting the website, and then they can visit the website like they normally do, upon exit they are again asked a few questions about their experience. It is feedback given by first hand customers and their experience and problems while visiting the website. This survey can be conducted at any stage and is capable of taking the pulse of your current site visitors which helps to understand what kind of usability testing is needed for the website.
The advantages are:
• Keeps track of the current profile visitors
• Identifies how they came to know about your site
• Recognizes user behavior based on their intent
• Detects how well the site meets user expectations.
Depending on the above analysis, it becomes easier to pinpoint mistakes and make necessary changes and increase traffic to the website.
Working: This survey might look like a pop up, but it is actually not. It is an intercept piece that does not get blocked by blockers. Upon visiting the website, users are asked a series of questions about their profile, usage and intentions of visiting the website, and then they can visit the website like they normally do, upon exit they are again asked a few questions about their experience. It is feedback given by first hand customers and their experience and problems while visiting the website. This survey can be conducted at any stage and is capable of taking the pulse of your current site visitors which helps to understand what kind of usability testing is needed for the website.
The advantages are:
• Keeps track of the current profile visitors
• Identifies how they came to know about your site
• Recognizes user behavior based on their intent
• Detects how well the site meets user expectations.
Depending on the above analysis, it becomes easier to pinpoint mistakes and make necessary changes and increase traffic to the website.